Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Play 'n Nap (Day 38)

Wow - 38 days old already! The kittens are growing in leaps and bounds. They are now pretty well full-grown kittens. They can run and climb, and they are learning to jump and pounce. They nurse from time-to-time, but it usally doesn't last long. Most of the time, they fall asleep after a few minutes of nursing.

Kitten destroying my rug

Seven in general leaves them alone, but calls them just to make sure that they're okay. The kittens no longer sleep in the nest. We have found them under the bed, on a blanket, and asleep in the laundry basket.

"I promise I'll be good if you let me go!!!"

They have discovered a kitten's worst enemy - an 8-year old child!! We babysat the daughter of friends of ours, and she played with the kittens all afternoon. The poor things were poked, carried, pet, and made to do tricks. The kittens finally managed to sneak away and find a nice quiet place to nap.

"Help! I'm being abducted by an 8-year old!!"

The kittens are making friends - with Titan! More than once we have seen Titan dancing around a kitten, trying to play with it. He really is a gentle giant. Tonight, one of the kittens curled up with Titan and took a nap. We managed to snap a picture before Titan awoke and realized what was going on!!

Titan and the kitten napping

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