Thursday, April 5, 2007

Umbilical Cord Loss (Day 4)

The kitten's umbilical cords have started to fall off. When we looked in the basket this afternoon, there were two little umbilical cords just laying on the sheet.

Seven is now spending quite a bit of time away from the nest. As soon as we open the door to the room, she is right there to be let out. The kittens don't even seem to notice that she's gone, as they're busy sleeping in a big pile.

The one little tabby that we were concerned about seems to have gained some weight since yesterday, which is very reassuring. We will continue to keep weighing all of the kittens, but the danger has hopefully passed.

The little carmel kitten is gaining a huge amount of weight. He is by far the fatest kitten, weighing an average of 40% more than the other kittens. He reminds me of our cat, Titan. Titan is a big ol' buff tabby who weighs almost 17 pounds. The little kitten is the same colour and seems to be on record as wanting to be Titan's weight!

This afternoon, we found one of the kittens wandering around outside of the basket. They seem to be getting a little more mobile by the day.

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