Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Little balls of fur (Day 2)

The kittens are now soft little balls of fur, capable of moving a little around their cage. When they sleep, they all sleep in a big pile in the centre of the basket. They are expert nursers, and can find their "nipple" by scent.

Their eyes are not yet open, and won't be for another week or so. They can't hear, either. They know when mom is around because she purrs so that they can feel the vibration.

Seven has started spending a little more time away from the nest. She now goes to just outside of our room - far enough to get some alone time, but close enough to hear the kittens' calls.

Sometimes, she doesn't want us handing the kittens too much (especially near dinner time!). This picture shows Seven going to pick up a kitten that had strayed.

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