Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Movin' Around (Day 3)

The kittens are now getting more and more mobile. They can crawl around the basket, and have no problem getting to their "nipple". They are at the point now that they will meow and fight to get to a nipple. Nevermind that there are 6 nipples and only five of them - they all seem to want the same one!

It is amazing how such little bodies can make so much noise. They can easily be heard on the other side of our appartment if they are not happy. More than once, I have been roused from my sleep by the sound of uncontent kittens fighting over a nipple.

All of the kittens are gaining weight except for one. She has only gained about 4 grams since birth - about a fifth of what she should have gained. Hopefully she gains more weight in the next few days, otherwise we may need to evaluate supplementing her feeding to get her to gain some weight. Sometimes kittens just fail to thrive and don't make it, for reasons unknown to us. We have our fingers crossed that this isn't the case with this little one, and we'll do everything we can to help her.

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